Megan Lindeman is an artist and a professor. She mixes paint and pigments with oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone and acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and is involved in a lot of complex brain behavior like bonding and trusting.


Home-Free, Installation view, 2014                      
Pigment print on archival paper, gouache on paper, wallpaper,
2min 15 sec song loop Dimensions vary

Whoa, You Guys Ok?, 2011-2014 Gouache on paper encased in acrylic glass boxes Sound loop 2 min 15 sec Dimensions vary Whoa, You Guys Ok?, 2011-2014
Gouache on paper encased in acrylic glass boxes
Sound loop 2 min 15 sec
Dimensions vary

My Freedom Is Too Big (2011-2014), uses the expansiveness of the Western American landscape as the backdrop for the proclamation and comparison of personal freedoms. My Freedom Is Too Big began in 2011 at the start of the Arab Spring and presents a collage of abstracted images of protests in Tahrir Square alongside photographs of hand-painted banners floating over the open landscapes of California. The banners, which depict colorfully painted statements such as “My Freedom Is Too Big,” “I’d Like to Tell You Why,” and “Put Me Back Where You Found Me” are thrown in the air and photographed in California’s picturesque landscapes. Their depiction plays in contrast to most contemporary visual depictions of the fight for freedom -photographs of mass protests, police brutality, blood and violence-this project’s composite of abstracted protest imagery and the Californian landscape create a wallpaper of sorts. In addition to photographs, works on paper, and wallpaper, the project also includes a 2 min. 15 sec. sound loop titled Whoa, You Guys OK?.